Attributes on Stores and Restaurants

Stores /Restaurants can have attributes.

Stores/Restaurants can also have hard attributes.

Attributes on stores can be used for data analysis.

Linking attributes to a store

Attributes are found on the Store Card/List and Restaurant Card/List.

  1. Go to the relevant store list or restaurant list (LS Retail, BackOffice, Store Management or LS Hospitality, BackOffice, Store Management).
  2. On the Navigate pane, click Attributes. The Attribute Values page appears.
  3. Click Refresh Autom. Linked Attributes to link attributes with Automatic Linking.
  4. If necessary (manual attributes linked to stores exist), click Link Attribute and select the attribute you want to link to the store from the attribute list (all attributes that have Attribute Linking set up for stores or this store specifically).
  5. Also, if an attribute allows more than one instance, you can add more instances of the attribute by clicking Link Attribute.

Note: You can also link an attribute to multiple stores at the same time and assign attribute values for each store from the Attribute Card page.